Sunday, March 9, 2008

Well we headed home. We got maybe 15 miles and I had to stop. I was so ill. I pretty much knew at this point that the hospital was where I was headed. Itried driving a little further but could not driving anymore. My mom had to take over. I called my hubby telling him to get to the hospital because I was headed there. When I got to the hospital they took me straight into triage. Miracle beyond miracle. I was on the gurney and had to laydown because of the pain. The nurse asked me the level of my pain and I told her it was the worst pain I had ever felt. She assured me that I would receive medicine when they had a bed for me. The next thing I remember was waking up and seeing my husband and his telling me they were moving me to ICU because they couldn't control my breathing or my blood pressure. And that according to Scotty was April 5.
Fast forward to April 28 and my Mom is telling me Grandpa has died. I remember bits and pieces but longer memories didn't start until then. Some of the memories I had are just little snip its. Most are hallucinations and very silly indeed.